Brave boy Res.cue his Dog from Anaconda in the forest.

The python became anxious and regurgitated, The Indian rock python is found in a number of Indian wild sanctuaries, including Tadoba, which is primarily a tiger habitat.

We’ve had close experiences with tigers like Matkasur and captured footage of them, but we’ve never seen a python, I’m hoping to see them one day.

That was the most h.e.a.r.t.b.r.e.a.k.i.n.g thing I’ve seen in a long time, Poor youngster p.erished for naught; I’ve never witnessed a python successfully feed on a puppy if their mother is around; even from a distance, the mother has barked if a snake is present.

People remark “wow what a beautiful creature” when snakes e.a.t h.umans, but “what an e.v.i.l creature” when snakes d.evour puppies, Thank you for like and share.

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