
A Honey Badger and Mole Snake Fight to the Death

A hungry honey badger and a fearless mole snake are locked in a deadly battle, with survival at stake. Both animals know enough to target each other’s weak spot: the head.

“The snake tries to run”, but finds it difficult without legs! The Good Sleeping Hobbits Hobbies for Sleeping3 years agoThe badger just looks relaxed from start to finish; such a fine temperament. There are only three things I’m thankful for. 1. a place to live2. a caring family 3. Honey badgers aren’t as big as bears …

Honey badgers have been described in the Guinness Book of Records as the “most fearless animals in the world” and can even fight off much larger predators like lions and hyenas… ” The honey badger is known for its strength, ferocity, and toughness. They really tried to hype up the snake like it would be a problem for the badger. Nature at its finest. I’m curious if the snake ever got in one good bite. Obviously not. Cheers to the honey badger.

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