
African crocodile and h.unter face to face.

There’s a big difference between and h.unting. Why s.hoo.t an animal if you really don’t need to? H.unting is a kind of honorable, it gives a chance to the prey. Real h.unting has a real meaning to those who live en the wild and in the need of storing meat for the winter.

Yes, this is an interesting trip to where they are in the world, yes, spend a few thousand or 5,000 dollars to go crocodile h.un.ting, then as a sign of your kindness in crocodiles, you get a huge crocodile head. In the wine barrel.

It is a very f.e.r.o.c.i.o.u.s and b.east to humans and pets. If possible, I would prefer not to have this kind of creature.

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