
An exotic Indonesian chicken that is black inside and out

chick breed that is 100% black, from feathers to orgas? Many people do not believe this strange creature exists.But, hmas, it does.It’s a rare and beautiful breed of Idoesia amed yam Cemai, referred to as the “Lamborghii of poultry.”

yam Cemai is black from the inside out, making it one of the most iqe and dangerous mysterioso breeds on the planet.This chick has black feathers, black skin, a black comb, black flesh, black orgas, and black beaks!

In terms of the striking black appearance, this breed has a mild fibromelaistic gene that causes an overabundance of black pigmeet.As a result, the skis and tissots are black.

Despite its rarity, yam Cemai is a friendly and easy-to-handle bird.

Cemai yam is a medium-sized bird.Roosters and hens weigh 4.5–6.5 lb and 3.5–4.5  lb, respectively. The hens lay about 60 to 100 cream-colored eggs their first year. But they will stop lying for three to six months.

I sia, yam Cemai is a symbol of wealth and social standing.This spectacular chick breed also has magical powers that are said to affect the living and the spirit world. It’s used as a sacrificed bird to please the gods.

Traditional medical preparations included the charcoal-colored blood and other parts of the bird.

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