

This incredible sighting unfolds as a flock of angry birds gang up and attack a snake! Will the snake manage to escape these birds?

Birds have exceptional eyesight and can spot any potential predators or dangerous animals, such as cats, snakes, etc. Usually, when they do in fact spot something of a threat, they will make an alarm call by making a lot of noise. Thus, warning others and also giving the threat’s position away. Often, birds of different families might group together in order to have a greater chance of scaring off the predator or even attacking it, as in this case.

This is commonly seen in rural Australia. If you see a group of birds together, making lots of noise and fuss, you can be fairly certain there’s a snake nearby, and often you’ll see them swooping and pecking at the snake. The birds maneuver admirably. One lures the snake by flying near its head while another picks its tail forcefully or, in reverse, picks on its head or nearby while the reptile is concentrating to guard its tail… One of the birds probably had a snake attack on its eggs.

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