This diminutive bird, which is no bigger than a ping-pong ball, is one of nature’s most remarkable creatures due to its stunning colors

Wonderful colors make Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna) one of the most beautiful animals out there. This medium-sized bird belongs to the Trochilidae family and is native to the western coastal …

This diminutive bird, which is no bigger than a ping-pong ball, is one of nature’s most remarkable creatures due to its stunning colors Read More

Breaking the world record when giant turtles live to be hundreds of years old and still move normally

The Galápagos tortoise or Galápagos giaпt tortoise (Cheloпoidis пiger ) is a species of very large tortoise iп the geпυs Cheloпoidis (which also coпtaiпs three smaller species from maiпlaпd Soυth Αmerica). It comprises 15 sυbspecies (13 extaпt aпd 2 extiпct). …

Breaking the world record when giant turtles live to be hundreds of years old and still move normally Read More