
Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk

This is the incredible moment a “badass” rooster fought off a hawk swooping on chickens before pinning the predator to the ground. Shasta Schlitt was at home in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, on February 26 when she heard a loud commotion coming from her back garden. Incredible footage shows a Cooper’s hawk divebombing her five Ameraucana hens before Shasta’s rooster, Jay, jumped into action and chased it away.

That is a rooster with balls doing what it’s supposed to do. He is defending his family and respect for the rooster. The Roosters are very inspiring. They are fearless, brave, and will fight to the death for their family and territory. They are guard dogs with wings! I’ve been chased by roosters when I was a kid, and I’m not ashamed to say I ran fast and far. Everybody should have that experience at least once.


Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk





Image 01 Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk


Image 02 Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk


Image 03 Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk


VDO Brave Rooster Defends Chickens from Hawk


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