
Buffaloes Break Tree with a Lion Cub that’s Stuck on it

Watch as a lion cub’s first hunt turns into a heart-stopping moment when a buffalo breaks a tree to get to it. See the incredible footage here!

Things went wrong for a lion cub on one of its first-ever hunts when 1,000 buffalo chose to defend themselves. Alone and trapped, the cub had to climb a fallen tree for safety. But that wasn’t the end of the story for one of the buffalo!

There were 3 lionesses and 9 cubs, ranging in age. It’s always risky having the little ones tag along for a hunt, but after a certain age, it becomes crucial for them to learn the ropes. Even if they aren’t useful for the hunt, the experience is super important for them.

This time, something went wrong! “All of a sudden, chaos broke out and there was dust everywhere. We had a visual again and could see the massive herd stampeding right towards the cubs!!”

In the panic, one of the cubs was singled out. It tried hiding behind a little bush but was quickly found by the buffalos, so it had no choice but to dash for the nearest refuge — a fallen Marula tree!

The buffalos followed and surrounded the little lion in the tree. The cub was clearly distressed; imagine how gigantic a buffalo must seem to such a little lion!

“The scent of lion infuriated the buffalo! One of the bigger bulls locked in on the cub, and it became his sole focus.”

“What started as a deathly stare-off soon turned into something much more sinister. The cub lost his footing in the tree, causing the bull to lunge forward to gore the cub. His horns narrowly missed by only a few centimeters!”


Buffaloes Break Tree with a Lion Cub that’s Stuck on it
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