
“Driver Ant” Attack “Scorpion”, killing everything in their path

Driver ant, Using their powerful cutting jaws, driver ants attack everything in their path, including snakes, birds, mammals, and even human beings. Their systematic search for prey involves climbing into trees and shrubs. The African driver ant is similar to the New World army ant (Eciton)

When animals swarm they create a super-organism of incredible power. They can attack our food supplies, immobilise our transport systems, un.der.mine our cities and even attack our energy supplies. They can stop us in our tracks. Using state-of-the-art photography, Superswarms reveals the collective intelligence behind the animal, and how man fights back.

As hor.rif.ying as this initially was, I actually find it quite amazing that the villagers practically have a symbiotic relationship with the ants. In return for the humans tolerating their presence and not ext.erm.inating them, the ants simultaneously get a bounteous food source whilst clearing away pests for the villagers. Quite fascinating how such a hor.rif.ying insect from a modern perspective can be so useful when treated with respect and caution.

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