
Here’re the top five biggest trees on eагtһ. I hope you all enjoy!!

Mother nature has gone berserk!

Today’s upload is on the top five biggest trees on eагtһ. Some of these trees are also the oldest in the world. I hope you all enjoy.

A few weeks ago I stood in front of a 400 years old oak, half of it was blown out from a lightning strike, but it still lives and it grows.
It may sound funny, but I felt like standing before a majesty, like I had to bow, give a gift or something. I had goosebumps all over.
These old, big trees have seen so much, survived so much…I feel humbled in front of them

Imagine what the Earth must have looked like in prehistoric times with these types of trees and even larger ones in large forests plantewide!! Explains a bit why the atmosphere was so rich in O2 as well as demonstrates just how vital CO2 is to a vibrant and thriving plant system.

The first time I stepped foot in The Redwoods, I spent two days off and on crying at how powerful they were. These amazing trees have provided so much oxygen and life to our earth. I cannot imagine what they’d say if they could talk. A very humbling experience.

I had a chance to spend 11 days with my Dad camping in Sequoia National forest, Big Sur and Death Valley, nearly breath taking, these Sequoia trees and the red woods are a treasure, Death Valley in May was full of life, a living desert as my Dad would say, RIP Pop

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