
Our Incredible Boy With No Arms

When we look around us, we often forget to be thankful for the blessings we have. A great example of this is a 10-year-old boy from India, who has no arms, yet lives his life with courage and persistence. This boy, named Ravi, was born without arms due to an unknown medical condition. Despite this, his parents taught him to be independent and self-reliant. He learned to use his feet to do almost everything a person with arms can do. He has the ability to draw, write, eat, brush his teeth, and even ride a bicycle – all using his feet.

Ravi’s courage and determination have inspired many people around him. He has been featured in several newspapers and television shows, and he has become an icon of strength and perseverance. His parents have also done their best to provide Ravi with the best education and medical care possible. They have sent him to a special school that teaches him to use computers and other technology with his feet.

Ravi’s story is truly incredible and inspiring. He is a living example of how we can all overcome our physical limitations and achieve greatness. His example should serve as a reminder to us all that we should be thankful for all that we have and never give up.

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