
Parents Pray for Miracle After Their Baby Is Born With 2 Faces

When a baby is born with two faces, it’s a shock to everyone involved. This rare condition, known as craniofacial duplication, is so rare that it affects less than one in every two million children. For parents, it’s a heartbreaking experience. They had hoped and prayed for a healthy newborn, and instead they were faced with the reality of their baby’s rare condition.

But the parents of this baby, who was born in India, have chosen to focus on the positive. Despite the initial shock and heartache, they are now praying for a miracle – that their baby will make a full recovery. The baby, who has yet to be named, was born with a second face on the back of her head. This second face has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and it moves in sync with the baby’s primary face.

Doctors are baffled by the condition, as it is so rare. The baby has been transferred to a hospital in New Delhi where she is receiving specialized treatment. The parents are now praying for a miracle. They hope that their baby will grow up to be healthy and happy, despite her unique condition. They are not alone in their prayers. People around the world have been touched by the story, and many are offering their support for the family. Though it may take some time, the parents remain hopeful that their baby will make a full recovery. In the meantime, they are cherishing every moment with her and praying for a miracle.

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