
Snake Strangles Hawk.

This is just another example of mother nature’s …, in which the predator may occasionally become the victim, Hawks consume a broad range of prey, including snakes, lizards, fish, mice, rabbits, squirrels, and other small birds in general.

But it’s debatable if this hawk will attempt to catch another snake in the future, This incredible sighting was just documented on Facebook.

Students in Texas spotted a western rat snake wrapped around a huge red-tailed hawk in some incredible photographs.

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A snake turned the tables on a hawk after nearly becoming food in a similar encounter a few years earlier, perhaps in Brazil, The snake avenges itself by firmly winding itself around the hawk’s neck many times.

The footage was filmed in Minas Gerais by a party of visitors who happened to be passing by at the time, One of the onlookers interfered, reaching out and prodding the snake with a stick in a show of empathy, Thank you for like and share.

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