
Strange smoke custom to preserve the dead at the edge of the world

Throughout history, various cultures have developed unique methods for preserving the bodies of their deceased loved ones. One such method that is particularly unusual is the use of smoke to preserve the dead at the edge of the world.

This custom is practiced by the Toraja people of Indonesia, who believe that the dead should be preserved and kept close to the living. According to their beliefs, the dead are not truly gone, but are instead in a state of transition between life and death. Therefore, it is important to honor and respect the dead by preserving their bodies and keeping them nearby.

To accomplish this, the Toraja people use a method known as “smoke preservation,” which involves placing the body of the deceased in a small hut or cave and burning a mixture of herbs and spices underneath it. The smoke from the burning herbs is believed to help preserve the body by drying it out and preventing decay.

The process of smoke preservation can take several weeks, during which time family members will gather to mourn and pay their respects. Once the preservation process is complete, the body is placed in a wooden coffin and kept in the family home or a special burial site.

While the use of smoke preservation may seem unusual to those outside of the Toraja culture, it is an important part of their traditions and beliefs. It is a way for them to honor their ancestors and keep their memories alive, even after death. Additionally, it is a reminder that death is not the end, but a part of the natural cycle of life.

However, it is important to note that the practice of smoke preservation has faced criticism from some Western cultures, who see it as barbaric or unsanitary. It is important to approach cultural practices with respect and understanding, even if they may seem strange or unfamiliar to outsiders.

In conclusion, the use of smoke preservation to preserve the dead at the edge of the world is a unique and unusual custom that is an important part of the Toraja culture. While it may be difficult for outsiders to understand, it is a reminder that death is a natural part of life and that our loved ones live on through our memories and traditions.

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